A Foundation for Change Since 1974
Haymarket People’s Fund funds anti-racist grassroots organizations across the region that believe change is possible. We've been behind the scenes, providing funding to almost every major social justice movement in New England since 1974. Each year, our volunteer grantmaking panel, made up of community organizers from across the region, awards grants to local organizations in New England’s neighborhoods and communities.

We Envision
Haymarket envisions a world free of racism and oppressions, where peace and cooperation flourish. Where people are valued and respected for their gifts and able to bring their whole selves to humanity. Where vibrant communities thrive and different cultures are celebrated. Where abundant resources and opportunities are equally shared and distributed while honoring the earth and all within it.

Art by Colgan Johnson

Pictured: Our beloved Renae Gray, a memorable visionary, early Haymarket staff member and mentor, and embodiment of the fortitude essential to building this vision into reality
The Courage To Change
In 1998, we embarked on a deliberate process to advance our mission and undo the racism ingrained in every aspect of Haymarket Peoples Fund. This open-ended process has been transformative throughout Haymarket's structure, staffing, grantmaking, and fundraising activities. During the past decade, Haymarket has: rewritten its mission, updated and developed organizational policies and practices, changed its leadership structure, and taken steps to shift its organizational culture. You can learn more about our 20-year anti-racism journey by purchasing our book, The Courage to Change, in pdf or paperback format.